Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This technique is one of the techniques to manipulate images. Maybe you have a photo album that does not match what you expect. Maybe your picture is too dark or light, wrong position etc. Like this one, her eyes are closed. The problem is she did not have enough time for the photos again, What should we do to get her eyes open?

Before :
After :
Maybe it is very difficult for you. But it is very easy for the graphic designer, to do it follow these instructions:

1). For the first step please Open image with your Adobe Photoshop and then duplicate the layer. After that, Our task is think how to manipulate this image. One way is we can take a sample of people's eyes. So next step choose "Rectangular Marquee Tool" and drag on the subject which we will take for the sample. Like image below:


2).  The next step select menu "Edit" -> "Copy" then go back to the menu "Edit" -> "Paste" return to menu 'Edit' again -> "Free Transform" and then we move to a closed eye. Then we turn around the picture up within their original. Look at the picture below :

3). After that the next step select menu Image -> Adjustments -> Levels... and set the color to match.  And then use Eraser Tools to remove and trim around the eyes.

And Ta Da...
It is Finaly Result :

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About Crystal J. Briscoe
Crystal J. Briscoe has been blogging since 2005 & contributing in many websites since its initial career. He is Professional Writer and also technical guru, overloaded with a wealth of experience, and even more degrees, at present learning Oracle Programs, He get pleasure from Blogging.

Crystal has written 7 awesome article(s).


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