Sunday, August 1, 2010

In this tutorial, I'll make bullets with photoshop. In this technique was to train the skill to make shapes, arranging dark or bright objects, etc.
Look Final Result below!


Can you make it? It is very.. very.. easy! :D
Folow these steps to creating it :

1). Creating a background with black colour or you can making it you like!

First Open your Adobe Photoshop and then Hit Ctrl+N create new layer with a size of about 500 x 300 pixels and fill this layer to black colour.


2). Nex Steps Creating a bullet

Don't forget to duplicate layer and then  draw a eclipse using eclipse tool. Create it with brown colour and then Right-click the eclipse layer and select option (Rasterize Layer).


Make selection as seen on the picture guide below! and hit delete to remove it or make it into a half

Then Setting Layer Style!

Right click on image and go into the Blending Options -> Tick or apply Inner Shadow -> Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay layer styles.


 The result will be as below :


4). It is Final steps

Choose or go to Filter ->  Sharpen  ->  Sharpen More -> duplicate layer from step two.
On new layer select entire bullet and go to Filter  -> Blur  ->  Gaussian Blur.


Then Right click on duplicated layer -> go into the Blending Options -> apply Color Burn and make Opacity level at about 44%.


The result will be as below :


Final steps Merge both layers into one and after that duplicate it several times.
The result will be as below:


It is Easy! :D

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About Crystal J. Briscoe
Crystal J. Briscoe has been blogging since 2005 & contributing in many websites since its initial career. He is Professional Writer and also technical guru, overloaded with a wealth of experience, and even more degrees, at present learning Oracle Programs, He get pleasure from Blogging.

Crystal has written 7 awesome article(s).


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